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Power! Unlimited power!

Throughout history,  humans have seen how life has changed,  how their expectations of technology have evolved and how wrong we were about it since the beginning. In this case, I am referring to the fact that we have a big imagination about what we are capable of, but sometimes, this idea might go too far or ever to close,  there is no middle. 

In the specific case of technology,  we have something certain,  some authors like Asimov were right about the limits we should include  in this area, called "The three laws of Robotics":

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 
 where we define a limit in the way we use technology. 

In the case of computer science, we have seen in such a small time how it has grown and has changed our way of living. I think that people who started with this technology never thought that in nearly 50 years people, not the scientist,  would have access to what they had and anywhere they go.  In the case of programming languages, I think that there are limits between hardware and software that developers have seen and that have to limit them in the way they use them. Also, there is a more common programming language that the majority pays more attention to, so the changes and benefits gotten by a programming language are stopped by the evolution of another one. 

Talking about functional languages, there must be recognized as a great understanding of the hardware been used, the way a computer thinks and the mathematical operations that need to be followed to get into the desired result. This is due to the fact that computer transforms everything we make as input and transform it into binary operations. In these of  Clojure, this tries to express an algorithm into a concept that can be easily understood by the computer and the programmer. Personally speaking,  the way this programming language understand the Loops is easier explained rather than the way people express it in other languages.  In the case of Mathematica, it is an easier language and that can be easily taught to kids that might get them attracted to mathematics and even programming,  becoming a great benefit to this area. 

Another  benefit, and   the way  we could  get more people to program in functional languages is that  Concurrency and Parallelism, topics that  are  in,   can be easily explored  by this  kind of languages and  even  applied, making a  great difference among other programming languages that make this topic more complex, generating the idea that   we can do anything  just  by knowing this kind of language. 


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